Dear America,
What the fuck do you have against the letter 'u'?
Sincerely, English speaking countries of the world.
Dear World,
Dear US,
In proper English we use the letter 'u' in words such as 'armour, colour'. When are you going to stop being cunts and embrace English as your language?
- Australia
Dear Australia,
Why do you insist on putting u's where they aren't necessary?
Dear US,
Because we like to speak English, not mongrel.
- Australia
Dear Australia,
That's stupid. We're just making the words more efficient. Same sound, one less letter.
Dear US,
That just means we get more points at Scrabble.
More in this thread, if it's still alive. Those who throw Rules 1 and 2 at me only show their high levels of retardation. Enjoy.
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