Saturday, August 2, 2008

Console-sharing, and Rhythm Heaven

1. If anyone tried to borrow any of my electronics years ago, I would have said no and given that person a nice, sound bitchslap. That's how protective I am of my gadgets, especially my cellphone and my gaming consoles, handheld or otherwise.

Back in college, I was baffled to see classmates lending their boyfriends their cellphones. I guess they were rich enough to buy a second handset, but it was tantamount to sacrilege for me: personal electronics are expensive, and to me they are virtual/physical extensions of myself that enabled me to do stuff that I genuinely care about.

(A digression: No, I didn't care about texting that much. Years ago I preferred talking with my peers, though I guess it can't be helped nowadays. People now couldn't even rendezvous without having to text each other messages like "Wer u?" or "san k na?" every five minutes or so. It's retarded, given that hooking up with people used to require only a watch that told the correct time, and being punctual.)

There's also the issue of liability. If your trusted friend accidentally broke or lost your toy, will they be able to replace it? That particular question is certainly something to ponder on, especially if you're still in that stage when your parents bought most of your stuff. If that happens, who's to blame? Not your friend, surely, since he probably didn't want that to happen anyway. You're to blame, of course, who else? You're the one who lent it away.

In any case, I'm still perplexed with the idea of people sharing game consoles or cellular phones with other people, mostly between couples. Game consoles, especially the Microsoft Xbox 360, are sensitive and god knows what may happen during transport. Lol red ring of death.

My things are mine, and they're under my responsibility. Shoo. It's not as if I own anything that's worth borrowing anyway.

2. Rhythm Tengoku Gold (or Rhythm Heaven in its imminent English language release) for the DS is da shiznit. That's all there is to say about it, but here's a brief definition: it's a collection of mini-games and virtual toys that all revolve around one basic element, which is rhythm. For more information how to play it, check out redkinoko's Rhythm Tengoku Gold walkthrough.

Most of the minigames can even be completed with your eyes closed and feeling the beat, but where's the fun in that? Trust me, you don't want to miss out on the kooky eyecandy:

Eh, seeing the doughboy choir makes me want to play through the game again. Oh wait. Dammit. My Nintendo DS is with my beloved.

...Myah. X3


Unknown said...

Rhythm Tengoku Gold FTW!